Penny Appeal
Humanitarian Organizations
We take small change and make a big difference with it. Penny Appeal was set up in 2009 to provide poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa by offering water solutions, organising mass feedings, supporting orphan care and providing emergency food and medical aid.

Since then we have transformed lives and empowered communities around the world, helping to break the poverty cycle and build brighter futures. Our work and our teams have grown considerably in the past few years, allowing us to launch many new campaigns and work in even more crisis-hit countries.

Penny Appeal’s way of doing charity is simple, and has a massive impact. We make charitable giving affordable and rewardable, ensuring everyone can help the poor and needy by donating just a few pennies each day.

“We take small change and make a big difference with it.”All our projects are carefully constructed and designed to be accessible and effective. They are a blend of emergency support, short-term relief and longer-term sustainable interventions. This multi-focus approach means we can save lives immediately, improve situations in the coming days and weeks, and transform communities for years to come, always giving desperate people the support they need depending on their situation.

Date of Joining:
OCT 08 2018
Head quarters:
Wakefield, UK
Contact details in Dubai
Mohamed Bali
Tel: +971 52 430 1998
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